Welcome To

Emran Hasan World!!!

World Class Professional Full Stack Web Developer

This is Md. Emran Hasan. I am a web developer belongs to Jamalpur, Bangladesh. I want to start my career as a junior web designer, I am working as a web developer for the last 1 year. After getting experience from Programming Hero(Learn with programming with Janker Mahbub). I am learn some web programming HTML 5, CSS 3, javaScript, jQuery, MySQL, PHP, etc. I want to deliver my best within web designing and development areas where performance is measured through achievements because the web is my way & programming is my passion. Are you thinking about to start a website for personal or business purposes? I am ready to assist you.


Big Dream

Become world's No 1 Developer

I already learned basic HTML and CSS. I can build any simple websites like educational management, hospital management and Any Other management which you need. I can teach any interested person who wants to make his/her dream in web development. My goal is to build 3 websites and learned advanced topics.



Full Stack Web Developer

2019 - Present | Pro Level Web Developer

Thank you for your interest in Web Designs, and thank you for taking the time to visit my site! I'm sure you're aware that having a professionally designed website can increase your sales and bring your company exposure to thousands of potential clients. So you have to ask yourself, "Can I really afford to NOT have a professional website?"

Junior Web Developer

2020 - 2021 | Programming Hero Learner

I already learned basic HTML and CSS. I can build any simple websites like educational management, hospital management and Any Other management which you need. I can teach any interested person who wants to make his/her dream in web development. My goal is to build 3 websites and learned advanced topics.